Click on the division to check why there is a pre-qualification exception.
The qualification may be specific to your membership level, your horse's registration level, age and/or results.
Xentry does not hinder you from entering the division in question. No matter the reason, you can continue the division that you would like to enter and continue on with the process. You will land on the exception page that explains the reason for the error, but you can click continue onto the bottom of the page to move forward with the process.
If the qualification relies on a recent event, it is possible that the results have not been submitted or updated yet to the USEA. An event has up to 10 days to submit their official results to the USEA.
If the qualification is not recent, there might be an error in our system. Please contact the USEA's Xentry Staff by emailing:
[email protected]
If the division is NOT being pre-qualified by the USEA's Xentry system; a " ?" will be displayed.
For some area championships, we do not handle the specific qualification rules that are in place.
Schooling Shows and Derby Cross do not have national qualifications; they are in the TEST category of events.