If you are able to connect to a Teams Meeting but the participants on the call can’t hear you, your microphone may not have permission to access Teams.

If you are able to connect to a Teams Meeting but the participants on the call can’t see you, your camera may not have permission to access Teams.

 Below are directions for Apple and Windows devices. The directions will walk you through checking to see if your device is set up to allow access to Teams.

Settings for Apple Devices

The following directions are used to turn ON permission to access your camera and microphone.

Under System Preferences (top bar), pick Security & Privacy -> then pick Privacy -> then pick Camera -> make sure the box is checked for both Chrome & Teams.

There is a picture of a lock in the bottom left corner, click on the lock to make a change.  You will be asked for your password. Be sure to save your changes.



Under System Preferences (top bar), pick Security & Privacy -> then pick Privacy -> then pick Microphone -> make sure the box is checked for both Chrome & Teams.

There is a picture of a lock in the bottom left corner, click on the lock to make a change. You will be asked for your password.

Be sure to save your changes.




Settings for Windows Devices

1. Open Settings by pressing the Windows + I shortcut key, or by clicking the Settings icon from the Start Menu

 The Windows key is in the bottom left hand corner of your screen.


2. From the Settings window, click Privacy.


3. Click Camera in the left panel. Click the CHANGE button. You’ll see an option that says “Allow apps to access your camera“. Slide the toggle On.

Once you've allowed camera access to your apps, you can change the settings for each app. In Camera settings, go to Choose which Microsoft apps can access your camera, and turn on apps you want to use with it. For desktop apps, make sure that Allow desktop apps to access your camera is turned on. 



4. Click Microphone in the left panel. Click the CHANGE button and make sure the option that says “Allow apps to access your microphone.” is also toggled On.

Once you've allowed camera access to your apps, you can change the settings for each app. In Camera settings, go to Choose which Microsoft apps can access your camera, and turn on apps you want to use with it. For desktop apps, make sure that Allow desktop apps to access your camera is turned on. 


